Wednesday, 12 October 2011

SAP NetWeaver 7.1x - Why?

OK quite a strange title - but I've just spent a day delving into exactly what SAP NetWeaver 7.1x is. It's not a full NetWeaver release. They are 7.00/7.01 and then 7.3 - this is a release only for specific usage types - e.g. NetWeaver CE (Composition environment) 7.10 or NetWeaver PI (Process Integration) 7.10.

But why only release a version that's for specific Usage Types? I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable answer but it still winds me up a little.

So for context - I was looking at SAP Redwood CPS ( ) and it's listed as compatible, currently, with SAP NW 7.00, SAP NW 7.01 (7 + EHP1), SAP NW PI 7.10 and SAP NW PI 7.11. This seems quite quite strange as I don't believe from reading materials on SAP and Redwood CPS that it requires an ABAP stack... yet for PI you'll get a dual stack - you'd need something like a SAP CE 7.10/7.11 installation for a standalone Java stack..... hmmm.. for now I'm looking to SAP NetWeaver 7.01 AS Java for a CPS platform - unless the documentation is updated or they release CPS fro SAP NetWeaver 7.30

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