Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Abobe Captivate, SAP Tutor and WMV Converters

Looking at developing training with Adobe Captivate (AC) and/or SAP Tutor (ST).

Initially I thought I would embed ST files in a AC training course, as I was advised AC was a well liked tool for developing training at my company and it did seem quite swish. ST is pretty cool for recording interactive training from SAP systems so you can train people without any actual SAP access; however I soon found that I could record the same thing just using AC.

You can record "Full Motion" on the screen from AC, but the rate isn't great when I tested it and I'm not sure how you create it as an overlapping or embedded part of training - it doesn't seem that you can.
My webcam software records only WMV files by default so now I'm looking for a good solution to convert WMV files into a readable format. At home I use Cucusoft but I'm looking for an approved tool at work.
Ah-ha. An answer. You can use many things I'm sure, but I found that I could install and utilise Adobe "Media Encoder" to convert the WMV file into a Flash (f4v) video file.

Once this was done I was able to embed this video within training slides in AC.

It looks like you can create a very re-usable piece of training with access to a SAP training system, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Media Encoder, a decent webcam and a lot of patience. I'll report back again in future to note how this goes...

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